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Mayan Calendar Prophecies: The Complete Collection of 2012 Predictions and Prophecies Read online

Page 9

  The swastika-shaped comet was referred to as a “long-tailed pheasant star.”

  Other researchers have noted that the only way a comet could have the appearance of a swastika was if an observer on earth was looking at it head-on. We normally see a side view of comets as they pass by Earth with their two or more tails stretched out behind them. But if the comet headed directly for Earth we would see the tails arranged in a swastika configuration. Researchers have also noted that comet Encke, the same comet that was decapitated in 2007 and is the parent of the Taurid meteor stream, is the one comet whose orbit makes it possible to give a radial or head-on view like this to observers on Earth.

  Even more interesting, Kobres noted that in the aforementioned Hindu story Rahu was afflicting Kirtika, the Pleiades, during the month of Karttika, which corresponds to the latter half of October through mid November. The Taurid meteor shower takes place during October and November and appears to emanate from the Pleaides.:

  “the demon is here darkening Kirtika (the Pleiades) in the month of Karttika (latter half of October, through mid November), for the tale goes on to relate that, ‘. . . in course of the same month both the Moon and the Sun have undergone eclipses on the thirteenth days from the day of the first lunation. The Sun and the Moon therefore, by undergoing eclipses on unusual days, will cause a great slaughter of the creatures of the earth. Meteors, effulgent like Indra's thunder-bolt, fall with loud hisses . . . People, for meeting together, coming out of their houses with lighted brands, have still to encounter a thick gloom all round . . . From the mountains of Kailasa and Mandara and Himavat thousands of explosions are heard and thousands of summits are tumbling down . . . Fierce winds charged with pointed pebbles are blowing, crushing mighty trees. In villages and towns trees, ordinary and sacred, are falling down, crushed by mighty winds and struck by lightning.’”

  It seems very clear from these descriptions that the celestial bird in this story was a comet that had broken apart and whose fragments rained down upon India causing all manner of destruction.

  Interestingly, both Rahu and the Cosmic Crocodile were associated with spirals. This further associates them with the swastika-shaped comet. As stated previously, the only way an observer on Earth could see a swastika-shaped comet is if it were headed directly towards them. As this comet rotated the swastika arms would form a spiral in the sky.

  Notice the spirals in the eyes and elsewhere on this statue of Rahu. (©Kriangsak Hongsuwanwattana)

  Two Cosmic Crocodiles with spiral, curly-q designs above or near their eyes.

  Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, was also associated with spirals. Sculptures of Quetzalcoatl at Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza both featured spirals on the side of the serpent’s head. Thus it is clear that the Celestial Bird, Cosmic Crocodile and Feathered Serpent were different ways to represent the same comet.

  Quetzalcoatl sculpture from Teotihuacan featuring spiral design. (Courtesy Wikipedia)

  Quetzalcoatl sculpture from Chichen Itza featuring spiral design (Courtesy Wikipedia)

  Thus it seems clear that the symbols used to encode these myths are all consistent with the interpretation that a bird-like, swastika-shaped comet appeared in the sky. As it rotated the arms of the swastika formed a spiral. An eruption from the sun ripped off these arms and tails and likely caused the comet to fragment. Several of these fragments “descended from the sky” and impacted multiple oceans causing mega-tsunamis that destroyed coastal settlements. The survivors recorded these events in their myths and legends as well as their artwork.

  Now let us take a look at some other myths from around the world that also recorded this event and see what additional details can be discovered.

  18. Medusa: A Greek AccountThe Hindu story of Rahu and the Mayan story of the Celestial Bird and Cosmic Crocodile were not the only ancient myths that encoded this comet fragmentation and impact event. The Greek account of Medusa sounds remarkably similar to the Mayan Flood Myth and its decapitation of a Cosmic Crocodile.

  In Greek mythology, Medusa was a gorgon who once had long beautiful hair. Gorgons were always represented with large, wild eyes. According to Wikipedia,

  “The large eyes, as well as Athena's "flashing" eyes, are symbols termed "the divine eyes" by Gimbutas (who did not originate the perception), appearing also in Athena's bird, the owl. They can be represented by spirals, wheels, concentric circles, swastikas, firewheels, and other images.”[138]

  Thus we see Medusa, like Rahu, the Cosmic Crocodile, and Quetzalcoatl, was associated with spirals and swastikas. Depictions of Medusa are nearly identical to those of Rahu. She had spirals in her hair and an open mouth with fangs identical to those of Rahu (see previous chapter).

  Archaic (Etruscan) fanged goggle-eyed Gorgon (Courtesy Wikipedia)

  According to myth, Medusa’s beautiful long hair was turned to serpents after she was raped by Poseidon, god of the sea. It should be noted that the word comet in Greek means “long-haired” since they saw comets as long-haired stars; thus, Medusa certainly had a comet association. Like the Cosmic Crocodile and Rahu, Medusa’s head was also severed from her body. One version of the myth noted that Perseus, the doer of the deed, used a sword from Haephestus in order to accomplish this task. Curiously, Haephestus also created the chariot used by Helios, the sun god, thus it is clear that his creations were associated with the sun. Could this sword have represented a solar flare or coronal mass ejection like the Sudarshan Chakra used by Vishnu to sever Rahu’s head from his body?

  To accomplish this deed Perseus also borrowed the winged shoes of Hermes in order to fly across the sky. Once again Hermes is associated with a myth that appears to encode destruction brought by a comet as discussed in Part 2, chapter 10, “Quetzalcoatl & Hermes: Cosmic Messengers.”

  Medusa was also associated with a flood and blood rain. According to myth, Perseus flew to Ethiopia where the sea god Poseidon had caused a massive flood and a sea monster, Cetus, had devoured a town. Curiously, in Greek art most cetea (plural of Cetus) are depicted as serpentine fish. In one version of the myth Perseus used Medusa’s head to turn Cetus to stone. A serpent-like monster that was turned to stone and caused a sea flood that devoured a town is a perfect metaphor for an oceanic impact event that caused a mega-tsunami.

  Although in this instance the head of Medusa did not cause the flood, her previous rape by Poseidon, which turned her into the hideous monster with snakes in her hair, certainly linked her to the flood event. Medusa’s head also dripped blood on the way to Ethiopia, a possible reference to blood rain or red rain that is similar to the “flood of blood” that resulted from the decapitation of the Cosmic Crocodile. Thus the story of Medusa has many of the same elements as the previous myths that appear to encode a comet fragmentation and impact event.

  There is evidence of a mega-tsunami impacting the eastern shores of Africa around this time. Astronomer Dallas Abbott has argued that the chevron-shaped geological formations on the island of Madagascar were formed by an ancient mega-tsunami.[139] Each of these chevron-shaped formations are two-times larger than Manhattan. Each formation is over 600 feet high, taller than the Chrysler Building, suggesting the wave that deposited this debris was at least this tall but likely much taller.

  Abbott believes the nearby Burckle Crater in the Indian Ocean was the location for this impact.[140] Abbott noted this crater was between 4000-5000 years old thus it could easily have formed around 3300 BC at the time recorded in the Mayan Flood Myth. This event would not only have impacted the coasts of eastern Africa but also India. This could explain why the legend of Medusa and Ramu are so similar.

  These large chevron-shaped tsunami deposits may also explain another aspect of the Mayan Flood Myth. Throughout Mesoamerica, myths related that the body of the Cosmic Crocodile was used to form new Earth after the deluge. In fact, some depictions of this crocodile included chevrons on its back which were said to represent mountains. The fact that these impact-induced mega-tsunamis deposited such large
debris fields is likely the origin of these associations between crocodiles and newly created land following a great flood.

  Interestingly, depictions of Medusa are also strongly similar to the Aztec god Tlaltecuhtli, who famously appears in the center of the Aztec Calendar Stone. According to Wikipedia:

  “In one of the Mexica creation accounts Tlaltecuhtli is described as a sea monster who dwelled in the ocean after the fourth Great Flood, an embodiment of the raging chaos before creation. Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca, in the form of serpents, tore [her] in half, throwing half upwards to create the sky and stars and leaving the other half to become the land of the earth.”[141]

  The similarities between the myth of Tlaltecuhtli and those of Rahu, Medusa and the Cosmic Crocodile are obvious. Again we have a story of a deity being torn in half with one part remaining in the heavens and one part coming to Earth. By placing the face of Tlaltecuhtli in the center of the Aztec Calendar Stone or Stone of the Fifth Sun it is suggestive that the Aztecs believed she would play some part in the end of the Fifth Sun, our current era.

  Tlaltecuhtli as seen in the center of the Aztec Calendar Stone (Courtesy Wikipedia)

  A large statue of Tlaltecuhtli was recently unearthed in Mexico which had even greater similarities to the previous Medusa/gorgon image. This Tlaltecuhtli had the curly or spiral hair of Medusa along with the outstretched tongue.

  Sculpture of Tlaltecuhtli showing the Medusa-like curly hair and extended tongue.

  What can account for such strong similarities between how these three mythological characters, Rahu, Medusa and Tlatecuhtli, were portrayed across three separate continents? The similarities in the myths can be readily explained by the fact that the ancient people of the world all witnessed the same event in the night sky and simply recorded what they saw. But there is no such explanation for why they would all choose to depict this character in identical ways. This strongly suggests there was contact between these cultures at some point in the distant past. The Greeks and Hindus could certainly have had contact that would explain the similarities in depictions of Ramu and Medusa. Yet what explains these same similarities in the depiction of Tlaltecuhtli in Mexico?

  19. Samson: A Biblical Account

  Interestingly, the story of Samson in the Bible also appears to encode this same event. In this story, Samson’s hair was cut which caused him to lose his strength. He was then enslaved and blinded and later destroyed the pillars holding up the roof of the Philistine’s temple.

  If Samson represented a comet then the cutting of Samson’s long hair was equivalent to a tail detachment event in which a comet loses its long tail since comet means “long hair” in Greek. This would therefore be equivalent to the decapitations of the Cosmic Crocodile, Rahu and Medusa.

  Like the Mayan Bacabs who became drunk and neglected their duty to hold up the sky, Samson likewise caused the sky, i.e. the temple roof, to fall onto the Philistines. In an earlier episode Samson lit the tails of hundreds of foxes on fire, which caused a Philistine city to be consumed in fire, a likely reference to a meteor storm that preceded the main impact, i.e., temple collapse.

  Curiously, Samson also used the jawbone of an ass to kill an entire Philistine army. In Mesoamerican myths, the Cosmic Crocodile sometimes known as Cipactli is frequently shown missing its lower jaw bone. Likewise, the Mexican deity of Tlaloc was often represented missing his lower jawbone and, like Medusa, had large goggle eyes. One depiction of Tlaloc at the Mayan site of Yaxchilan showed him not only missing his lower jaw but also included an obvious depiction of a comet. Tlaloc was associated with rains of fire reminiscent of Samson’s fire foxes. The exact meaning of the jawbone symbol is unknown.

  In one part of the Biblical narrative, Samson battled a lion. Lions were often symbols of the sun thus this could represent Samson, a long-haired star (comet), being attacked by the Sun. This is reminiscent of the Aztec myth of the battle between Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl in which Quetzalcoatl (comet) battled a jaguar which resulted in Quetzalcoatl being hurled to Earth. The jaguar, a spotted cat, is a perfect symbol for the sun during an active period when it has sunspots thus this story likely encodes the effect of a solar flare or coronal mass ejection on a comet that caused it to fragment and impact the Earth.

  There was another curious episode involving this lion that Samson killed. After killing the lion Samson departed and then on his way back he passed the lion again. Bees had made a hive in the carcass of the lion and Samson ate some of their honey. Interestingly, the Pleiades have been associated with bees and honey in many cultures around the world. This is because they appear again above the horizon in the month of May, a time when flowers are in bloom and bees are active.

  Researchers have noted that the Mayan Bacabs were also associated with bees and honey. For instance, the story of the destruction of the world by a great flood is told on page 74 in the Dreseden Codex. The Bacabs are also referenced on this page but is spelled in a slightly unusual way. It is spelled as bakabi instead of bakaba. In Mayan, kaabi means “bee/honey/hive” thus associating the Bacabs with bees and honey[142] and thus the Pleiades.

  Finally, Samson’s name meant “man of the Sun” which was likely an allusion to the brightness of the fireball that resulted as the comet fragment entered the atmosphere. This recalls the eyewitness account from Tunguska which noted the meteor was as bright as the sun.

  Thus we see many of these myths in the Old World and the New World seem to encode a struggle or battle between a comet and the sun in which the final outcome was a breakup and devastating impact event on Earth.

  VI. The 2012 Prophecy

  20. Decoding the Aztec Calendar StoneThe Aztec Calendar Stone was carved in 1427. The artisans included a wealth of information encoded on this stone about the Aztec belief in a cycle of cosmic destructions that had befallen Earth four times in the past. They believed we currently lived in the fifth such era or Fifth Sun and that this age would also be destroyed.

  At the top of the Aztec Calendar Stone was the date 13 Reed, the date the Aztecs believed the Fourth Sun was destroyed by flood and the Fifth Sun was born. The date 13 Reed corresponded with the year 1011 AD in our Gregorian calendar.

  In 1980, astronomer Anthony Aveni noted in his book Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico that there appeared to be star patterns or constellations carved into the flanges (i.e., the rock edges) of the Aztec Calendar Stone. In 1999 astronomer Robert S. McIvor published a paper in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada entitled “Star Patterns on the Aztec Calendar Stone” in which he hypothesized that one of these star patterns represented the Milk Ladle asterism (star group) located within the constellation Sagittarius and another represented three prominent stars in the constellation Aquila, the Eagle.

  McIvor also noted that according to Chinese records, a “guest star” appeared near the Milk Ladle asterism (known to them as the asterism Nan-tou or the Rice Ladle) in 1011 AD. In Chinese astronomy a “guest star” represented any light in the night sky that appeared and disappeared over a short period of time such as a comet or super nova. McIvor theorized that the carving of both the 1011 AD date and the Milk Ladle asterism on the Aztec Calendar Stone possibly were connected to this Chinese “guest star” event.

  What message did the Aztecs intend to send by encoding all of this information (the date 1011 AD, the Milk Ladle asterism from the Sagittarius constellation, and three stars from the Aquila constellation) on the Aztec Calendar Stone? And what type of “guest star” did the Chinese spot near the Milk Ladle in 1011 AD: a comet, super nova or something else entirely?

  In 1997, physicist Paul A. LaViolette wrote a book entitled Earth Under Fire. In this book he theorized that the intense radio source at the direct center of our galaxy, Sagittarius A, was a star not a black hole and periodically it had enormous outbursts of energy and matter called a galactic superwave. We know such outbursts occur at the centers of other galaxies. Coincidentally, Sagittarius A and the center of the Galaxy appear in o
ur night sky near the Milk Ladle asterism in the constellation Sagittarius.

  (Credit: ESA/NASA/AVO/Paolo Padovani)

  LaViolette theorized that these outbursts from Sagittarius A would be devastating to life on earth. In fact, the last such large outburst appears to coincide with the onset of the Younger Dryas climate event and the great mass extinction which accompanied it which included the demise of mastadons, wooly mammoths, saber toothed tigers and more. He theorized that a smaller outburst occurred around 3300 BC which coincides with the date recorded in the Mayan Flood Myth.

  LaViolette theorized that when Sagittarius A, which is not visible to the naked eye, experienced one of these outbursts it would appear to persons on earth as the sudden appearance of a new bright blue star. This “guest star” would then fade from view once the eruption was over yet the energy and mass it erupted would be hurling through space directly towards Earth.

  Does the Chinese guest star of 1011 AD near Nan-tou, the Milk Ladle asterism, represent such an eruption of Sagittarius A? If so, what effects did it have on Earth? The Aztecs claimed the Fourth Sun, which ended in 1011 AD, was destroyed by a flood. Is there any evidence of such a flood? In fact, there is.

  The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle states that in England 1014 AD, on the eve of St. Michael’s day (September 28, 1014),

  “came the great sea-flood, which spread wide over this land, and ran so far up as it never did before, overwhelming many towns, and an innumerable multitude of people.”[143]

  This is clearly a reference to a tsunami similar to the one that struck Indonesia in December 2004 and killed over 250,000 people.